July Running Wrap-Up: More running (than June, at least…) and more yoga

Vanessa Junkin stands on a flat trail at the Salisbury City Park. The photo also has text on it that reads "July 96.92 Miles."
I posed for this photo after my last run of July.

It always seems like months are ending after they just began, but July did seem to go by particularly fast. It’s already August, and we’re nearing the end of another summer. Since I don’t race much during the summer, that means more races are on the horizon! Here’s how July went …

  1. I ran 96.92 miles. My total mileage for July was 96.92, which was more miles than I ran in June, but the second-lowest month of the year. If I’d ended up hitting 100 miles in June, I’m sure I would have gone for that extra 3.08 miles, but since I didn’t, I didn’t worry about it.
  2. I didn’t do any races. July is just so hot. Thankfully, it isn’t tempting to do a bunch of races in July because there aren’t very many offered.
  3. I ran in two new-to-me locations. I explored Tuckahoe State Park on a group run and got up early to check out new-to-me trails in Pennsylvania and New Jersey on a short trip.
  4. I started marathon training. My first day of training for the Marine Corps Marathon was July 8. Read more here.
  5. I did a sand run. It had been a while since I’d run in the sand. I got 3.1 miles in last weekend in Ocean City.
  6. I went to yoga five times. This was the most consistent I’ve been about going to yoga in a while! I have really been enjoying a Dynamic Yoga class on Monday nights at the new Meta Yoga in Salisbury, and I made it four out of the five Mondays in July. We also had an Eastern Shore Running Club yoga session there on July 26. I can certainly feel the improvement that going consistently brings!
  7. I even went to the gym once. A temperature that “felt like” 110 brought me inside for one treadmill run. There was one unbearably hot week in July, but at least I got to use my gym membership one day last month!

Was July a good running month for you? What are you looking forward to in August?

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