August Running Wrap-Up: Running on both the East and West Coasts

A view of a paved path along the beach with runners on the path and palm trees to the right, with the text "August - 70.44"

The highlight of my August running was definitely the Brooks Hype Fest, but here’s the full roundup of how the month went!

  1. I ran 70.44 miles. This was one of my lower-mileage months, but I’m early in half marathon training and my longest run of the month was eight miles (a 4.5-mile group run followed by a 3.5-mile group run). I’m OK with it!
  2. I ran my fast 1600 in 8:15. I’ve been keeping up my 1600s, and while I have only gone under 8:00 once recently (in June), 8:15 is still fast for me — and August is one of the hottest months, too.
  3. I ran one race. This was the Too Hot to Trot 4-ish miler, which was put on by the Baltimore Road Runners Club. It was fun and something different for me!
  4. I traveled to California for the Brooks Hype Fest. I got to meet a ton of my Brooks Run Happy Team teammates at Brooks Hype Fest in Santa Monica, California! From the evening of Aug. 17 to the morning of Aug. 20, our schedules were packed with running, exploring, theme parties, talks and more. The trip was provided by Brooks (I paid for airfare.) Read about the experience here.
  5. I kept up my DribbleUp streak. I’ve been doing one class a week with my six-pound ball, and by the end of August, I’d kept up a 17-week streak of at least one class a week. I’d like to do more than one per week, but at least I’m doing that — I did four classes in August.
  6. I only made it to one yoga class. However, I’m already more consistent in September.

I’m looking forward to hopefully getting faster as the weather begins to cool down. Stay tuned!