10 facts related to my January running

It’s the last day of January, so I’ve decided to take a look back on some different aspects of my running in this first month of 2015. Here are some of my takeaways, which aren’t really in any order. 1. I ran 91.67 miles in January. I had been shooting for 100, and I could have made it if … More 10 facts related to my January running

Five reasons it was awesome to take a midday run on my break

On Monday, I was driving home from work for a long break when I began thinking seriously about it: The sun was shining and it would be a great afternoon to run. Why not? So, once I got home, I changed into my running clothes and headed out for a three-miler. It was the first time I can … More Five reasons it was awesome to take a midday run on my break

A rundown of 2014

So, 2014 is over. Which means it’s time for a rundown blog post. (Get it? Run-down.) As I’ve mentioned before, I met two of my three running goals that I’d set to accomplish this year. I accomplished the goals I felt would be the hardest — getting a new 5K personal record — and the easiest — … More A rundown of 2014