First day of Baltimore Marathon training complete

The Baltimore Marathon is in October, but it’s closer than it seems. Actually, Oct. 17 is only a little more than three months away.

This picture is from my first day of marathon training for the Baltimore Marathon. (Vanessa Junkin photo)
This picture is from my first day of marathon training for the Baltimore Marathon. (Vanessa Junkin photo)

I started training for the marathon at the Baltimore Running Festival — my fourth 26.2 — on Sunday, with a solo 10-mile run. It was the first time I’d run 10 miles since May 21, but I am planning to run 10 miles for four more consecutive weekends (one may be on a Friday) to get used to the long distances again.

Sunday’s run was longer than I’d been used to recently, but it didn’t feel like it dragged on too much. I took it pretty slow, and including all of my walk breaks except for one, where my boyfriend brought me a new drink, my watch logged an average pace per mile of 10:32.

I got to explore some new roads on foot, which made it interesting, and I was excited to get back out there for a 10-miler, even though I usually enjoy having company.

For my marathon training, I have generally just stuck to a long run schedule, because it’s hard for me to follow an exact schedule with my job as a reporter and different commitments. And, I want to make sure that I’m able to enjoy my hobby of running. I am planning on incorporating some hill work, as I did when I trained for the Big Sur International Marathon, which took place April 26.

I’ve based my long run training schedule off of the Big Sur training schedule, which was based on a Runner’s World plan.

This will be my first marathon in my home state of Maryland, and I’m excited to run the streets of Baltimore, a city I love. I’ll be preparing — Oct. 17 will be here before I know it.